Greek salad ala ‘Buzz’……I’m back, I’m back, I’m back, I’m Back Oh yes.

I am restored.

I know I’ve been quiet on here for a while, but its been ridiculously mental in the last few months. I’m now able to dedicate myself to the blog and give it my full attention to make it what I want it to be, which is a really useful blog that you’ll turn to for really sound recipes and advice.

Anyhow I’ve had a 2 week detox, including a 7 day fast having only fresh juices and supplements, twice daily colonics, (!!) yoga and meditation, (I only managed yoga 4 times and just one morning of meditation…. then mostly raw food to look after myself and I’ve come back  (did I also mention the 3 gin and tonics at the airport on the way back? No?)
feeling very different and I’m lighter in spirit as well as body. Quite wonderful. Think I’ve turned the corner of actually starting to eat more healthier and getting good and fit. Hurray! (I took my time!)

Where? Thailand Oh yes.

Apparently, I’ve learnt, that we all need to eat about 70% of our food raw to be healthier. So watch this space as I try to be imaginative with salad while I try and keep up  the new healthy, feelin amazing Annie…….

Up until this last trip away I thought salad was something I HAD to eat. There were exceptions but to actually enjoy the rawness and freshness of raw ingredients, (without some bread or carbs along side.) was not just alien, but just wouldn’t happen.

But, I’m just in the middle of making Greek salad ala ‘Buzz’…..It’s not really very Greek, but named after a a very mysterious and elusive man in Thailand (who I did not meet) called Buzz, who this is named after. It doesn’t sound that interesting by looking at the ingredients, but just try it. It’s a really good combination of flavour and texture.

Raw all the way……well not all the way…..

My lunch today.

This salad sounds a bit odd, but this is the salad I had, once I could eat food again after the fast, ( and subsequently 3 more times) and is so frigging delicious. Mix and match. It’s important that everything is chopped fairly small, ( about the same size as a corn kernel) as the texture is really important to the success of this salad. It’s also the little bit of apple in the salad that makes it for me.

Greek Salad ala ‘Buzz’

Lettuce, ie round lettuce, romaine/cos, oakleaf, see Things P Has Learnt No. 2 re crisping up your salad leaves. At least do this first while getting the rest of the salad together but an hour would be even better. Rip the washed and dried leaves into manageable size pieces
cooked sweetcorn kernels, (fresh and raw or cooked or canned/Frozen and defrsoted)
yellow, red and green peppers, (normally I detest raw peppers esp evil green, but they are transformed here)
raw beetroot, sliced into fine matchstick size pieces (or use a food processor attachment)
raw carrot, as beetroot
cucumber, chopped same size as peppers
desert apple, peeled is so much lovlier, but more nutrients below and in skin, so try it both ways and decide.
cashews, toasted in oven til golden brown
feta cheese, not too much, finely crumbled over
black olives, make sure you remove their stones
onion, just a little, very finely sliced
cherry tomatoes, cut them across their middles

Dressing I’m not sure what theirs was exactly, but here’s one that comes close.
2 tablespoons cider vinegar (There are some pretty strong claims for many health giving properties of apple cider vinegar.)
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
sea salt flakes
freshly ground black pepper


1. Place salt pepper and vinegar in a bowl and whisk in olive oil to taste.

2. Chop up all the salad ingredients as described and toss all together, (keep feta, lettuce and cashews back) with the dressing, tip on top of the lettuce pieces and sprinkle with the feta and toasted cashews. Yum fucking yum.

1. A weird soya bacon was also fried up and placed on top. I never get why a vegetarian would want to eat this stuff, but oddly chopped up and warm on this salad and it’s kinda addictive.
2. Chopped ripe (must be ripe) avocado
3. Also add finely shredded chinese cabbage
4. Thai Holy basil, but I find it a bit overpowering for the salad


This was my version I made today. I went to Wholefoods on way back from airport and bought all the ingredients I could remember for the salad. Missed a few but this was my salad for lunch. And yes I still like it……red & yellow peppers, canned sweetcorn kernels, chopped avocado, cucumber, apple, black olives, onion and cherry tomatoes,  all tossed together with the dressing above, then sprinkled with the toasted cashews and crumbled over the feta.

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2 Responses to Greek salad ala ‘Buzz’……I’m back, I’m back, I’m back, I’m Back Oh yes.

  1. louise says:

    Looks yummy – what about papaya salad? I loved that in Thailand.

  2. Som Yam. Yes yum……Coming soon!

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